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Dynamite Remote

The dynamite-remote utility is a self-contained script that ships with the dynamite-nsm package. The utility allows administrators to create Authentication packages that once installed on remote instances allow remote management. The dynamite-remote script works on most *NIX operating systems with openssh-client installed.


The dynamite-remote utility should be run on the machine you wish to use for remote management. Once an authentication package has been created you can install it on a remote node to easily manage it.

$ dynamite-remote -h

usage: Dynamite Remote [-h] {create,remove,list,execute} ...

Remotely manage DynamiteNSM nodes across your network environments.

positional arguments:
    create              Generate an authentication package that can be
                        installed on a remote node allowing management. Add
                        the remote to list of controllable nodes.
    remove              Remove a remote that was previously created.
    list                List the nodes we can control remotely.
    execute             Run a command against a remote node.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Create Remote Authentication Package

$ dynamite-remote create -h

usage: Dynamite Remote create [-h] --name NAME --host HOST [--port PORT] [--description DESCRIPTION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           A friendly name for the remote node.
  --host HOST           A host or IP address of the remote node you will be connecting to.
  --port PORT           The corresponding SSH port to use.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        A description of this node (E.G web-server environment sensor)

Execute on Remote

$ dynamite-remote execute -h

usage: Dynamite Remote execute [-h] remote command [command ...]

positional arguments:
  remote      The name of the node or node group to execute the command against.
  command     The command to run on the remote node (E.G 'elasticsearch process status').

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Remove Remote

$ dynamite-remote remove -h

usage: Dynamite Remote remove [-h] remote

positional arguments:
  remote      The name of the node or node group to remove.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit