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Configuration Overview

The dynamite commandline utility exposes convenient wrappers around installed services.

Commandline Tips

The dynamite commandline is modular by design. You add run the -h argument at any time to get usage information about the currently selected module.

For example, sudo dynamite -h will give you general information about the top-level services, and the actions that can be performed against each.

positional arguments:
                        A component within the Dynamite stack to manage.
                        An action or set of actions that can be performed against a specified component.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

You can get usage information about a specific service such as elasticsearch by runningsudo dynamite elasticsearch -h

usage: dynamite [-h] {install,uninstall,process,config} ...

Elasticsearch @

positional arguments:
    install             Install Elasticsearch as a standalone component.
    uninstall           Uninstall Elasticsearch on this machine.
    process             Manage local Elasticsearch node processes.
    config              Modify Elasticsearch configurations.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

At any time simply typing sudo dynamite will generate a table similar to the one below which installed and running services.

│ Service       │ Installed   │ Running   │ Service Role   │
│ elasticsearch │ X           │ X         │ Monitor        │
│ logstash      │ X           │ X         │ Monitor        │
│ kibana        │ X           │ X         │ Monitor        │
│ zeek          │ ✓           │ X         │ Agent          │
│ suricata      │ ✓           │ X         │ Agent          │
│ filebeat      │ ✓           │ ✓         │ Agent          │

Some services have multiple config interfaces. To list available ones check the services as below. Elasticsearch for example has two configs accessible config interfaces: java and main.

$ sudo dynamite elasticsearch config -h

usage: dynamite config [-h] {main,java} ...

positional arguments:
    main       Configure Elasticsearch on this machine.
    java       Configure Java heap allocation for Elasticsearch on this machine.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

You can view a configuration simply by appending the name of the sub-menu to the config command.

$ sudo dynamite elasticsearch config java
│ Config Option  │ Value │
│ initial_memory │ 8g    │
│ maximum_memory │ 8g    │

Most configurations are key-value pair based, and allow you to specify a list of arguments and their values.

sudo dynamite elasticsearch config java --initial-memory 12g --maximum-memory 12g

Configuration Modules

If you run a command like sudo dynamite filebeat config main you'll be given a table like this:

│ Config Option         │ Value                │
│ elasticsearch_targets │ Configuration Module │
│ logstash_targets      │ Configuration Module │
│ kafka_targets         │ Configuration Module │
│ redis_targets         │ Configuration Module │

The Configuration Module value simply means that you can access the Config Object as a sub-menu.

$ sudo dynamite filebeat config main redis_targets -h

usage: dynamite config main redis_targets [-h] [--target-strings TARGET_STRINGS [TARGET_STRINGS ...]] [--ssl-certificate-authorities SSL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES [SSL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES ...]]
                                          [--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE] [--ssl-key SSL_KEY] [--ssl-verification-mode SSL_VERIFICATION_MODE] [--index INDEX] [--socks-5-proxy-url SOCKS_5_PROXY_URL]
                                          [--workers WORKERS] [--max-batch-size MAX_BATCH_SIZE] [--db DB] [--load-balance] [--password PASSWORD] [--enable] [--disable]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

target options:
  --target-strings TARGET_STRINGS [TARGET_STRINGS ...]
                        A list of Redis hosts, and their service port (E.G [" 6379"]
                        The list of root certificates for server verifications.
  --ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE
                        The path to the certificate for SSL client authentication.
  --ssl-key SSL_KEY     The client certificate key used for client authentication.
  --ssl-verification-mode SSL_VERIFICATION_MODE
                        This option controls whether the client verifies server certificates and host names.
  --index INDEX         The key format string to use.
  --socks-5-proxy-url SOCKS_5_PROXY_URL
                        The full url to the SOCKS5 proxy used for encapsulating the beat protocol
  --workers WORKERS     The number of workers to use for each host configured to publish events to Redis.
  --max-batch-size MAX_BATCH_SIZE
                        The maximum number of events to bulk in a single Redis request or pipeline.
  --db DB               The Redis database number where the events are published. The default is 0.
  --load-balance        If included and multiple Redis hosts are configured load-balance between them
  --password PASSWORD   The password to authenticate with. The default is no authentication.
  --enable              Enable selected target.
  --disable             Disable selected target